
Akku immer zu schnell alle? Keine Lust, ständig deinen Vaporizer reinigen zu müssen? Mehr Dampf soll her? Viele Probleme – wir haben die Lösungen. Hand aufs Herz: Der Hang zur Bequemlichkeit bestimmt vieles in unserem Leben und wir haben eine ganze Kategorie, nur dafür! Unser Vaporizer-Zubehör macht dir das Leben nicht nur einfacher, sondern auch abwechslungsreicher. Aber sieh es dir doch einfach selbst an!

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4 products

Batteriefach L - Stilus & Stilus Pro - HIZEN
Micro USB-Ladeadapter für Batteriefach L
Save €15,00
USB-C Ladeset - Ladeadapter, 18650 Akku und Akkufach - HIZENUSB-C charging set - charging adapter, 18650 battery and battery compartment
Ersatzakku L 18650
Ersatzakku L 18650 Sale price€11,90

Anyone can do it normally.

Intensify your vaping experience with premium accessories. Discover new possibilities and limitless flexibility.

Capsules, mouthpieces & Co

Why buy vaporizer accessories?

HIZEN vaporizer accessories are your key to even more individuality. The modular expandability and high compatibility allow you variety and flexibility.


In our vaporizer shop you will find various mouthpieces made of glass or silicone, bong adapters and water filters for the different vaporizer models.


Dosing and storing until the next session? No problem! Simply pre-portion the contents of 6 sessions and store the capsules airtight for on the go or at home. Expand your vaping experience to include waxes and oils with suitable dosing capsules.


So that you never run out of juice again, all HIZEN devices are equipped with replaceable batteries. With a spare battery and charging adapter, you are always well prepared for an emergency!